Made with


Use color intentionally. It’s not decoration. Color is supposed to be functional.

Colors and Shades in User Interface (UI) Design

The color system helps you apply color to your UI in a meaningful way. In this system, we have a primary and a secondary color to represent the brand. We derived different shades for every defined color in TaxBandits.

Dark and light variants of each color can be applied to UI in different ways. Color themes are designed to be harmonious, ensure accessible text, and distinguish UI elements and surfaces from one another.

General guidelines

  • Every color has specific guidelines for meaning. We honor these guidelines in order to maintain consistency across the product.
  • No Dark Shade should be used as background
  • Two additional shades defined: :active and :hover. These additional shades should only be used for very specific cases.

Color theme creation

TaxBandits Design System comes designed with a built-in, baseline theme that can be used as-is, straight out of the proverbial box.

This includes default colors for:

  • Primary and secondary colors
  • Variants of primary and secondary colors
  • Additional UI colors, such as colors for backgrounds, surfaces, errors, typography, and iconography.

For white label we have only derived primary and secondary colors tints and shades for matching their brands, and rest of the color will be same as TaxBandits Color System

Brand Colors

In rare cases, it's handy to use our base semantic colors. They are aliases for the respective 500 shade of each color and hold semantic meaning.

Primary Color

Primary 500
Hex: #D64000
RGB: rgba(214, 64, 0, 100%)
Variable: Primary/Orange

Secondary Color

Secondary 500
Hex: #D64000
RGB: rgba(214, 64, 0, 100%)
Variable: Primary/Orange

Primary Shades

Primary 100
Hex: #FEF6F2
RGB: rgba(214, 64, 0, 1)
Variable: orange-lighten-1
Primary 500
Hex: #D64000
RGB: rgba(214, 64, 0, 100%)
Variable: Primary/Orange

Secondary Shades

Secondary 100
Hex: #E5F2FF
RGB: rgba(229, 242, 255, 1)
Variable: ttertiary-lighten-1
Secondary 500
Hex: #0A77D6
RGB: rgba(10, 119, 214, 1)
Variable: Secondary
Secondary 600
Hex: #005AA9
RGB: rgba(0, 90, 169, 1)
Variable: Secondary darken

Semantic Colors


In rare cases, it's handy to use our base semantic colors. They are aliases for the respective 500 shade of each color and hold semantic meaning.

Success 50
Hex: #F9FFFA
RGB: rgba(249, 255, 250, 1)
Variable: Success-lighten-3
Success 100
Hex: #EDFAF0
RGB: rgba(237, 250, 240, 1)
Variable: Success-lighten-1
Success 200
Hex: #D9F2DE
RGB: rgba(217, 242, 222, 1)
Variable: Success-lighten-2
Success 500
Hex: #EDFAF0
RGB: rgba(237, 250, 240, 1)
Variable: Success-lighten-1


In rare cases, it's handy to use our base semantic colors. They are aliases for the respective 500 shade of each color and hold semantic meaning.

Warning 100
Hex: #FFF0DA
RGB: rgba(255, 240, 218, 1)
Variable: Warning-lighten-2
Warning 200
Hex: #F8DFBB
RGB: rgba(248, 223, 187, 1)
Variable: Warning-lighten-1
Warning 500
Hex: #75492A
RGB: rgba(117, 73, 42, 1)
Variable: Warning


In rare cases, it's handy to use our base semantic colors. They are aliases for the respective 500 shade of each color and hold semantic meaning.

Error 100
Hex: #FFF4F4
RGB: rgba(255, 244, 244, 1)
Variable: Danger-lighten-1
Error 200
Hex: #F7CDCD
RGB: rgba(247, 205, 205, 1)
Variable: Danger-lighten-2
Error 600
Hex: #CA140B
RGB: rgba(202, 20, 11, 1)
Variable: Danger


In rare cases, it's handy to use our base semantic colors. They are aliases for the respective 500 shade of each color and hold semantic meaning.

Info 100
Hex: #F1F7FF
RGB: rgba(241, 247, 255, 1)
Variable: Info lighten 2
Info 200
Hex: #DDE9FA
RGB: rgba(221, 233, 250, 1)
Variable: info-lighten-1


In rare cases, it's handy to use our base semantic colors. They are aliases for the respective 500 shade of each color and hold semantic meaning.

Note 100
Hex: #FFF9EB
RGB: rgba(255, 249, 235, 1)
Variable: Note-lighten-2
Note 200
Hex: #FDF1D5
RGB: rgba(253, 241, 213, 1)
Variable: Note-lighten-1
Note 500
Hex: #966C00
RGB: rgba(150, 108, 0, 1)
Variable: Note


In rare cases, it's handy to use our base semantic colors. They are aliases for the respective 500 shade of each color and hold semantic meaning.

Purple 200
Hex: #F8F3FF
RGB: rgba(61, 12, 123, 1)
Variable: Purple
Purple 500
Hex: #3D0C7B
RGB: rgba(253, 241, 213, 1)
Variable: Note-lighten-1


This Indicates the sent to agency message for our Application

Byzantium 200
Hex: #FFEFF7
RGB: rgba(61, 12, 123, 1)
Variable: Purple
Byzantium 500
Hex: #7C0E64
RGB: rgba(253, 241, 213, 1)
Variable: Note-lighten-1

Neutral Colors

In rare cases, it's handy to use our base semantic colors. They are aliases for the respective 500 shade of each color and hold semantic meaning.

Neutral 50
RGB: rgba(251, 253, 255, 1)
Variable: tertiary-lighten-3
Neutral 100
Hex: #F2F6FA
RGB: rgba(242, 246, 250, 1)
Variable: Disabled
Neutral 200
Hex: #C4D2E4
RGB: rgba(196, 210, 228, 1)
Variable: grey-lighten-2
Neutral 300
Hex: #EDFAF0
RGB: rgba(237, 250, 240, 1)
Variable: tertiary-lighten-1
Neutral 400
Hex: #4C6177
RGB: rgba(76, 97, 119, 1)
Variable: Grey
Neutral 500
Hex: #142535
RGB: rgba(20, 37, 53, 1)
Variable: Black
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Id illum non ratione quibusdam ipsum neque atque fuga, quas reprehenderit ex velit sit modi enim commodi, officiis quidem corrupti nulla ducimus?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Id illum non ratione quibusdam ipsum neque atque fuga, quas reprehenderit ex velit sit modi enim commodi, officiis quidem corrupti nulla ducimus?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Id illum non ratione quibusdam ipsum neque atque fuga, quas reprehenderit ex velit sit modi enim commodi, officiis quidem corrupti nulla ducimus?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Id illum non ratione quibusdam ipsum neque atque fuga, quas reprehenderit ex velit sit modi enim commodi, officiis quidem corrupti nulla ducimus?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Id illum non ratione quibusdam ipsum neque atque fuga, quas reprehenderit ex velit sit modi enim commodi, officiis quidem corrupti nulla ducimus?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Id illum non ratione quibusdam ipsum neque atque fuga, quas reprehenderit ex velit sit modi enim commodi, officiis quidem corrupti nulla ducimus?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Id illum non ratione quibusdam ipsum neque atque fuga, quas reprehenderit ex velit sit modi enim commodi, officiis quidem corrupti nulla ducimus?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Id illum non ratione quibusdam ipsum neque atque fuga, quas reprehenderit ex velit sit modi enim commodi, officiis quidem corrupti nulla ducimus?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Id illum non ratione quibusdam ipsum neque atque fuga, quas reprehenderit ex velit sit modi enim commodi, officiis quidem corrupti nulla ducimus?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Id illum non ratione quibusdam ipsum neque atque fuga, quas reprehenderit ex velit sit modi enim commodi, officiis quidem corrupti nulla ducimus?

White Label

What is White Label?

White label refers to a business practice where one company produces a product or service that other companies rebrand and market as their own. This approach allows businesses to focus on selling and promoting without investing in product development or infrastructure.

Layout and margin

Note: In the image above, the highlighted sections represent the colors that our white-label clients can customize to match their brand and use in their own products.

This color used for primary action inour website, so that user can navigate easily
Color variables

This color used for primary action inour website, so that user can navigate easily
Color variables


This color used for primary action inour website, so that user can navigate easily
Color variables



This color used for primary action inour website, so that user can navigate easily
Color variables



This color used for primary action inour website, so that user can navigate easily
Color variables


This color used for primary action inour website, so that user can navigate easily
Color variables


This color used for primary action inour website, so that user can navigate easily
Color variables


This color used for primary action inour website, so that user can navigate easily
Color variables
